ResurFX Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing

With so many lasers out there, all with the goal of making your skin look better, it makes it tough to decide which is the best one for you!

ResurFX is a great choice if you are looking for a laser that has less downtime with results that will improve texture and tone, resulting in glowing, smoother skin.

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What are the benefits of ResurFX laser?

ResurFX is an FDA-approved laser device that can improve fine lines and wrinkles, soften scars, improve skin texture and tone, and promote collagen growth. The advantage of ResurFX is it is non-ablative (meaning it does not break the surface of your skin) and offers results with minimal downtime.

ResurFX is the perfect solution for those people who want to rejuvenate and brighten their skin, but don’t have time for a long recovery period or aren’t ready to try a stronger, more aggressive laser.

How does ResurFX work?

It is a fractionated 1565 nm wavelength laser.  This fractionated non ablative laser resurfacing uses a laser to create zones of heat injury to the skin. This results in collagen production and skin tightening.  The collagen remodeling continues for up to 90 days after your treatment!

What is the treatment like? Does it hurt? 

When you arrive at the office, we will have you wash the treatment area if you have on makeup and/or sunscreen.  Then we apply a strong topical numbing cream for about an hour. This ensures that you will be comfortable during the treatment.  The numbing cream is taken off and alcohol is applied to make sure there are no oils on your skin to impede the laser.  

During the treatment, we will have you wear little eye goggles.  It will feel warm and you may feel a few sharp stings if an area has not been completely numbed with the cream.  The treatment takes about 20 minutes. After your skin will feel hot and a bit stingy, like a sunburn. Because the laser is non-ablative, you will not have broken skin, scabs or bleeding. We will make sure to apply a soothing cream and a zinc based sunblock before you leave the office.

What can I expect for downtime?

1st few hours:  You will have redness, slight overall swelling, and a warm, slightly stingy sensation (similar to a sunburn).  The warmth and any stinging will fade over the next few hours. 

Day 2-3:  Redness and slight swelling around your eye area is common.  Occasionally someone will have more overall swelling during these first few days.  You will be asked to apply a soothing cream called Cicalfate after cleansing/vinegar soaks for 3-5 days. And throughout the day if needed.  The vinegar soaks are simply a dilute white vinegar solution that is soothing to your skin. You can return to your regular moisturizer once your skin feels back to “normal” (approximately 1 week).  

Day 3-5:  Flaking or scale and a “tight” feeling may occur.  This may be slightly itchy. Redness will persist and you may have lighter areas or “stripes” on areas where the laser had less of an impact (Don't worry! These areas will be treated in subsequent treatments).  Makeup can be worn if you are out and about. And a zinc based sunscreen is a must!

Up to 2 weeks:  You may have subtle redness continue that slowly fades over time.

What areas can be treated?

We can treat face, neck, chest and hands for rejuvenation and better skin texture.  Stretch marks can be treated just about anywhere on the body.

What should you tell your provider prior to your treatment?

It is best to come in for a consultation to determine the best treatment plan for you.  But here are some questions you might be asked:

Do you get cold sores?

If you have a history of cold sores (or think you might), it is best to take an antiviral medication prior to your treatment.  This is because laser treatments can occasionally cause cold sores. I can prescribe this prior to your treatment.

Do you have a tendency to get swollen or puffy?

If you are the kind of person who is prone to swelling (you have allergies that impact your eyes or wake up with puffy eyes after a dinner with a lot of salt) then it is recommended that you take an over-the-counter antihistamine (like Xyzal, Zyrtec, Allegra or Claritin) one day prior to your treatment and a couple of days after.  This is to help with possible swelling in the initial days after your treatment.

How many treatments do I need?

You will get the best results with 3 to 6 treatments, depending on what is being treated.  For fine lines and wrinkles or just to get that extra glow, 3 treatments should do the trick.  If you have stretch marks or acne scars, you may need closer to 6 total treatments. It’s best to come in for a consultation to know for sure.

When will I see results?

Remodeling collagen and generating new healthy skin cells takes your body a little time.  You might start to see some results after about 4 weeks. After a couple months you should be able to see noticeably different skin with great improvement.  And full results in about 90 days. That is why multiple treatments and patience are important. Once you finish your third treatment, you will be noticing the results.

What is a Photofractional Treatment?

ResurFX can be combined with an IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) for a Photofractional treatment that addresses multiple skin concerns in one procedure. The IPL will target your skin on a more superficial level, treating brown spots, telangiectasia and redness.  While the ResurFX laser treats deeper in the skin to promote collagen production, addressing lines, wrinkles and the texture of your skin.  

Since both ResurFX and IPL are FDA-Approved, a Photofractional treatment is a safe and effective way to restore a more youthful aesthetic. After 3-5 treatment sessions, you are able to enjoy the noticeable results of the Photofractional treatment which stimulates collagen growth and improves skin tone at the same time!

ResurFX laser is a fabulous option for skin rejuvenation!

If you have any additional questions, please call or come in and see me!

Foothills Dermatology
