Pauli Morrow, PA-C Dermatology

Pauli Morrow, PA-C Dermatology

WHy Create this website?

Passion and honest advice.  I created this website because I want to give you really trustworthy, unbiased and accurate information about your skin and anti-aging.  I want to share my knowledge that comes from a combination of hands-on experience with thousands of patients, coupled with my medical training in general and cosmetic dermatology.  All that you will learn is meant to empower you to have as much knowledge as possible to make the best decisions about your skin.

Your skin should be something you are proud of and I want to do my best to help you have healthy skin that shines both inside and out.  On this site, I will not only provide you with a basic understanding of your skin, but will keep you up to date with understandable information and current technology.  In fact, if you feel like the technology to improve skin has has!   That ever-changing skin landscape is what makes it so interesting to me. 

My goal is to make dermatology, and all the great solutions that come with it, more approachable and less scary or seemingly out of reach.  I think that it's also important to know that my advice is completely unbiased and I have no financial interests in any cosmetic product, laser or device company.

Knowledge is power and this power can fuel you to realize that there are obtainable solutions to ease the worries around aging.  It is possible to improve the appearance of skin texture, wrinkles and frown lines!  Even look less tired, perk up your smile and soften the signs of stress.  There are so many options out there today that range from facial treatments such as microdermabrasion and peels, to lasers and injectables like Botox and fillers.  The question is what is the right formula for you?

For those who think dermatology and the aging process is mystifying or out of their reach, I am here to squelch the myth and bridge the gap.  So join me and use me as your personal dermatology expert. I will explore different topics, bring to light some answers to the many questions I’ve been asked over the years and hopefully have a little fun exploring options for looking and FEELING your best!